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Rural Horticulture Work Experience Training Program at Hussainpura village Mysore District

On 23rd February 2015 we participated in the Rural Horticulture Work Experience Training Program. During the program Dr. A.B. Patil Director of extension at the University of Horticulture Science, Bagalkot briefed the farmer audience on the importance of systematic cultivation.

During the program, the importance of NPK fertilizer and the role of Potash to the crops and its benefits was explained to the farmers, encouraging them to use Potash along with Urea as top dressing to get better yield and results. As part of the program, a Potash exhibition stall was also arranged, with crops charts and also Potash deficiency charts, providing valuable information for farmers, officials and horticulture students visiting the stall.

We have explained the importance of Potash and its benefits in the crops, and distributed specially printed crop folders to the farmers and horticulture students and guests.

Dr K.M. Indresh, Dean of Horticulture college Mysore and Department of Agriculture D.D.A .and Horticulture department officials also present and visited the Potash For Life and the IPL POTASH Exhibition stall.